Dear colleagues,
I would like to thank you very much for your interest in and especially
the speakers for their constributions to the workshop meeting on
Blast@Elsa that we held on Friday 7/28 at Bates. It was quite a lively,
thorough and honest discussion.
The user/password restricted files of the various talks are available at
While the Bonn group reexpressed their appreciation for our offer and
their continued interest in any form of future collaboration, it was also
clearly pointed out that an implementation of BLAST together with an
Internal Target Facility at ELSA appears to be impossible within the
originally anticipated timeframe. The main reason for this conclusion is
the extent of necessary civil construction and the amount of downtime of
ELSA operations of likely 2-3 years which cannot be afforded within the
current situation of the Bonn laboratory. The lab is indebted to
deliver results with their approved program and hence the risks would be
too high.
It was pointed out that a use of the BLAST apparatus or parts of it with
extracted beam (nA instead of mA) is still a possibility since the space
would be already available, but not as an internal target experiment as
originally proposed.
Another option would be to consider an Internal Target Facility at Elsa
with a more compact detector design, then dedicated to a different
category of experiments than the one envisioned with Blast.
Both considerations would avoid the civil construction problem.
It was agreed that a brief report should be written.
Best regards
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