I think I emailed to you guys (check with Aki and Chi) some tables of tosca
in the past. If you still need, I could email and do more computations for
you. I still maintain my model of the holding field in my laptop.
Recall from past conversations, the model I have looks close to the reality
in terms of geometry of the magnets and coil locations, as well as my own
understandings. Besides, as Aki knows, I have a professional tosca version,
which can give me precise computations with really fine meshes ---> I can
do about 2 million elements X 8 on my laptop.
Anyway, please try to contact Aki and Chi first. Good luck.
At 12:19 PM 7/29/2006, Michael Kohl wrote:
>Hi Eugene,
>here's my summary from May 30 including the two "nominal" angles to be
>used with Doug's averaged map.
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 13:26:05 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Michael Kohl <kohlm@mit.edu>
>To: "[BLAST_ANAWARE]" <Blast_anaware@rocko.lns.mit.edu>
>Subject: Spin angle summary
>this is to summarize the final numbers for the target spin angle:
>We agreed to use the ed elastic tensor asymmetry to first determine the ed
>elastic yield-weighted average, and then deduce theta_nominal for the
>considered profile [theta_nominal = theta(z=0)].
>Doug's profile should be used. It is in cvs at
>It requires a global alignment given by "theta_nominal" which is the
>profile's value at z=0. While the same theta_nominal applies to all
>reaction analyses, each resulting yield-weighted average angle can
>vary individually. For use in DGen, I've added the 32 and 47 deg profiles
>with proper values for "theta_nominal" (see below) into kine.init just as
>a grid z:theta, uncomment the lines to activate. I've generated the lines
>in kine.init with the macro exp/analysis/macros/DPprofile_to_kineinit.C,
>find both in the latest cvs.
>For the "32" degree setting, theta_nominal = 34.12 +- 0.43
>For the "47" degree setting, theta_nominal = 48.84 +- 0.45
>Chi recommends to generally quote an error of 0.5 degrees to be on
>"the conservative side and and to partially reflect the fact that
>there are conflicting results" [with ep elastic when it is used to
>determine the spin angle].
>In the table below, compare <th>_yield between "map" and "asym": it
>tells by how much a given map needs to be shifted to comply with the
>physics of tensor ed elastic. The error is given by the uncertainty
>with which the overall alignment can be determined from the ed elastic
>tensor asymmetry and is on the order of 0.5 degrees, while the error on
>the "shape" of the profile(s) is on the order of 0.1 deg or less and hence
>32 degrees setting: ed elastic
>Ed-elastic yield-weighted average angle for original maps from survey:
><th>_yield <dth>_yield theta_nominal(z=0) Comment
> 31.2(map) -2.89 34.09 original Jan2005 map
> 30.6(map) -2.75 33.35 original Jun2005 map
>"map" is the yield-weighted average angle for a given original map
>Angle from tensor asymmetry analysis and resulting theta_nominal:
><th>_yield <dth>_yield theta_nominal(z=0) Comment
> 31.3(asym) -2.89 34.19 shifted Jan2005 + 0.1
> -2.75 34.05 shifted Jun2005 + 0.7
> -2.82(av.) ->34.12 nominal angle for DH's profile
> 31.7(oldasym)
>"asym" is the yield-weighted average angle from asymmetry analysis
>(asym=v3_4_18, oldasym=online crunch version)
>==> theta_nominal = 34.12 degrees
> Error on theta_nominal: statistical: 0.35
> tracking: 0.20
> false asym: 0.10
> theory: 0.10
> TOTAL: 0.43
>47 degrees setting: ed elastic
>Ed-elastic yield-weighted average angle for original maps from survey:
><th>_yield <dth>_yield theta_nominal(z=0)
> 47.0(map) -1.5 48.5 original Jul2004 map
> 46.7(map) -1.5 48.2 original Jan2005 map
> 46.2(map) -1.32 47.52 original Jun2005 map
>"map" is the yield-weighted average angle for a given original map
>Angle from tensor asymmetry analysis and resulting theta_nominal:
><th>_yield <dth>_yield theta_nominal(z=0)
> 47.4(asym) -1.5 48.9 shifted Jul2004 + 0.4
> -1.5 48.9 shifted Jan2005 + 0.7
> -1.32 48.72 shifted Jun2005 + 1.2
> -1.44(av.) ->48.84 nominal angle for DH's profile
> 47.8(oldasym)
>"asym" is the yield-weighted average angle from asymmetry analysis
>(asym=v3_4_19, oldasym=online crunch version)
>==> theta_nominal = 48.84 degrees
> Error on theta_nominal: statistical: 0.45
> tracking: 0.12
> false asym: 0.01
> theory: 0.10
> TOTAL: 0.45
>Best regards,
> Michael
>| Office: | Home: |
>| Dr. Michael Kohl | Michael Kohl |
>| Laboratory for Nuclear Science | 5 Ibbetson Street |
>| MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center | Somerville, MA 02143 |
>| Middleton, MA 01949 | U.S.A. |
>| U.S.A. | |
>| - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - -|
>| Email: kohlm@mit.edu | K.Michael.Kohl@gmx.de |
>| Work: +1-617-253-9207 | Home: +1-617-629-3147 |
>| Fax: +1-617-253-9599 | Mobile: +1-978-580-4190 |
>| http://blast.lns.mit.edu | |
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