Dear collaborators,
it was noticed that the attendance of the analysis meeting has been quite
poor recently. We keep talking about the same things with the same
people while key people are missing, almost without noticeable progress.
However, it is obvious that the analysis is now on a critical path. We
need lively discussions about the physics and analysis results we're all
interested in to publish in the coming weeks and months. We need to lay
out each individual envisioned paper. In doing so, we need to know the
status of each analysis and what the tasks and issues are in order to get
things finalized.
Therefore, the analysis meeting shall be attended by all students and as
many senior people as possible. We can discuss time, frequency and
location of this meeting. Recently, we had agreed on
!! Wednesdays at 13:30 at Bates !!
We will spend the next Wednesday meeting (12/21/2005) to address the
status quo and the issues in each individual analysis channel. So,
everyone is urged to attend. People from outside (Arizona, New Hampshire,
Maryland, ...) are more than welcome to call in - regularly - if they
can't attend in person! We can always set up conference calls. A website
has been set up where people can send their slides to at meeting time in
order to make them available also to other outside people.
Starting from Wednesday, the structure of upcoming meetings will be
such that 1-2 topics per meeting will be selected in advance for closer
review. The representative analyst/student will have to present a status
report. I will contact people directly for this.
There's a long list of soon-to-be-published papers that should be
motivation enough:
+NIM1: Target - ET (accepted)
+NIM2: Detector 1 - hardware - DH
+NIM3: Detector 2 - polarimetry of hPz and Pzz - DH, RF, CZ
+NIM4: Compton - TA, BF
+NIM5: Field map paper - KD, DH
+PRL1: GEp/GMp with low systematics, pion cloud effect - CC, HG
+PRL2: GEp/GMp from d(e,e'p): super ratio, global fit - RF
+PRL3: GEn - VZ, EG
+PRL4: GMn - NM
+PRL5: AedV, AdT - AD, RF
+PRL6: T11e - PK
+PRL7: T20 - CZ
+PRL8: Double-pol. N-Delta and deformation - OF, YX, ASMIT
I'm open for any questions or suggestions.
| Office: | Home: |
| Dr. Michael Kohl | Michael Kohl |
| Laboratory for Nuclear Science | 5 Ibbetson Street |
| MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center | Somerville, MA 02143 |
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