Attending: RM,KD,BT,NM,PK,JC,BF,MK.
-DH will send around a draft detector paper by Christmas
-HG and CC will present draft of GE/GM (and/or GE and GM separation)
before January meeting
-EG and VZ are crosschecking their analyses. New GEn extraction soon.
-Adam Degrush back in January, will likely work on AedV and AdT of
quasielastic electrodisintegration d(e,e'p)
-Renee will focus on GE/GM extraction from d(e,e'p) in quasifree
-Tim Smith got two students work on pion production
-Ricardo Alarcon has one new undergraduate student - d(e,e'n) vector
and tensor asymmetries
+NIM1: Target - ET (accepted)
+NIM2: Detector 1 - hardware - DH
+NIM3: Detector 2 - polarimetry of hPz and Pzz - DH, RF, CZ
+NIM4: Compton - TA, BF
+NIM5: Field map paper - KD, DH
+PRL1: GEp/GMp with low systematics, pion cloud effect - CC, HG
+PRL2: GEp/GMp from d(e,e'p): super ratio, global fit - RF
+PRL3: GEn - VZ, MK
+PRL4: GMn - NM
+PRL5: AedV, AdT - AD, RF
+PRL6: T11e - PK
+PRL7: T20 - CZ, MK
+PRL8: Double-pol. pion production in the delta region and deformation
Straight tracks: List of cosmics runs needed, with wch on, hall lights
off, detector closed, 2nd level trigger turned off, should be
synchronized with the database
Recrunch: Runs that keep crashing with lrn-v3_4_14, even when
initializing without SQL (from good polD2):
11564 11368 11102 10819 10223 10103 10085 10015 9531 9138 8685 8576
8570 8515
Started lrn-v3_4_14 for 2005 data (14300-16506) today
(/net/data/2/Analysis/data/lrn), expect crunchtime of ~20 days.
| Office: | Home: |
| Dr. Michael Kohl | Michael Kohl |
| Laboratory for Nuclear Science | 5 Ibbetson Street |
| MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center | Somerville, MA 02143 |
| Middleton, MA 01949 | U.S.A. |
| U.S.A. | |
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| Work: +1-617-253-9207 | Home: +1-617-629-3147 |
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