[BLAST_ANAWARE] ntuple directory in init.C

From: Chris Crawford (chris2@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Mar 19 2004 - 22:27:03 EST

  i changed init.C so you can specify the path to your ntuples, and the
ntuple name on the command-line. so you can easily substitute your own
filtered ntuple into any analysis macro. here is the log message:

new method for specifying ntuple and directory:
  'root init.C path/NTUPLE -o output/path/NTUPLE 3000-3100
     -d new/path/and/NTUPLE 3100-3200'

  where NTUPLE is the name of the ntuple,
  and the path can be absolute, or relative to:
    $ANALDIR (*/*), $PWD (./*) (../*) , $HOME (~/*)

  root v3_1/lr 3000-4000 //lr ntuple in $ANALDIR/v3_1
  [root] filter("ntl<8","myflr"); //filters to myflr in $ANALDIR/v3_1
  [root] init("myflr") //start using filtered ntuple
  [root] myflr->Draw("...")
  [root] lr->Draw("") //old ntuple still there, just not default
  [root] init() //reset to lr ntuple


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