From: Adam DeGrush (degrush@mit.edu)
Date: Thu Jun 19 2003 - 20:06:46 EDT


I've updated the HV Gui to use the BLAST_physics database. In addition the ion
polarimeter channels have been added into the control. From now on to boot the
epics ioc, do it from the soft link in the epics1 HOME directory on dtun1-pc:

epics1@dtun1-pc:/home/epics1> ./BOOT

If that fails, there is a backup that does not have the ion polarimeter in it but
still uses the new mysql database:
epics1@dtun1-pc:/home/epics1> ./BOOT

If that fails you can revert to the one you have been using all along which uses
the BLASTwc database:
epics1@dtun1-pc:/home/epics1> ./BOOT_OLD

There are some updates that need to be made to the BLAST_physics database.

1.) Standby voltage for wire chamber sense voltage need to be reduced from 3000 to

2.) Rup/Rdwn rates for TOFs, CC, NC set to 500 V/s

3.) Trip currents need to be set for TOFs, CC, NC to something reasonable say -2550

4.) The ion polarimeter will have to be added to the mysql database. It should
have "IP_" in front of its tables. Currently the values are being read in from a
simple text file. If you need to change the values permanently, talk to me.

5.) The epics program needs to have write access to those tables ending in "_HV" at
some point. It may make sense to create an identical database just to test writing
and then switch over when ok.

This means that currently you cannot make your changes to the voltage settings

I will be at bates tomorrow to oversee that everything hopefully works.


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