Most of the shift was dedicated to work on the ABS with
south hall open. The biggest part of the ABS is back in
position and the NEC's are activated. The Dissociator
will be installed in the morning.
The active part of the Shift:
- Beam started around 10pm with 120mA and 45min lifetime
for empty target. We optimized slit position to a point
where the normalized rate was NORM0=0.6 on empty target
and NORM0=2.4 with 1sccm gas in target.
- Checked DC offsets in Dtunnel: <1mV.
- Increased CC Voltages just in time to give experiment to
the next shift. See file: NC_CC_TOF_1300_10percent_plus100.sql
- Asked CCR to flip beam helicity every fill
Hauke and Vitaly.
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