[BLAST_SHIFTS] run plan 11/11 - 11/12

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@mitlns.mit.edu)
Date: Mon Nov 11 2002 - 18:47:02 EST

0) Please crunch ntuples for all the runs this weekend. Note spud5 is
 taken by a very long Wch job. Use all other spuds that allow you to login

should continue data taking with elastic_coincs.settings. This will
also be good for a neutron analysis later on. I assume the hall will be
open tomorrow.


For the CC there is plenty of field-on data collected, with varying
thresholds and HV. We have not explored all possibilities though. It
takes ca 500K events for a decent number for the efficiency.

For some boxes you can still increase the HV by hand, although
by maybe only 5%. The *MAXIMUM voltage on the CC pmts is 2800*.

Start from NC_CC_TOF_1300_10percent. Increase the voltage by 5 % on all
boxes that allow it. If you are only 20 volts short on a tube jsut
stop at 2800. If you can't do it for all fine, do it for all that you
can. Note the hv setting in the logbook and run-sheet

To change HV:

setDv crate slot channel

where crate=3/0 (left/right)
slot = 5-8 (cc0-cc3)
channel = 0-5 (box0) 0-7 (box1) 0-11 (box2 and 3)

Before taking data, check for DC offsets at the CC input (see runplan
11/07-11/08, there is a printed copy in CB). Take data at 25 and 35 mV
thresholds (I guess)


If you are stuck there is some beam development to do (field on):

ask CCR to slightly move the injection septum to see if that affects
the normalized rate. It is clear we get more junk that we want. We have
never seen if the septum has an effect.

Note the normalized rate when the beam has been stored, the slits are, the
Wch OFF and you have a "high rate" trigger (try also singles)

* another worthy development is to tune the slits with gas on. Try an
  ABS flow such as 0.2 SCCM else lifetime will make your life difficult.


_ also we should make some progress on L/R. The TDC offsets are not
  ready but we still have no results with field on. I suggest to run
show_protons.C with adc>7000 and a limited (but common) range for
(tleft-tright) and viceversa. It should be no too hard to see what tdc
cuts to use and to update cuts.c


Another project is a "beam asymmetry" macro. See vitaly note. Plot
anything for right now (like, rate per tof or so). You have to normalize
to current though and should use beamgate_on/beamgate_off


-- t
Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949

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