_ various computing issues: _ computer usage: _ all user can just nice on any cpu _ use nice "any_command" _ if you need to reserve machines with a higher nice level communicate by email _ will talk to EB pbs, suspend privilegies _ disk space: _ move pro2003/pro2004/commis results dirs to spud disks _ map files: _ add repository of VALID map files (edited, corrected) to cvs _ most detector info made backward compatible _ recrunches: _ needed for new tdc offsets (from dst) _ need to update to the head _ next one with new wch calibrations _ autocrunch _ will include pk offset code (compiled version) _ will run a higher priority _ timing calibrations: _ see ~kohlm/tex/blast_analysis_meeting_5.21.4/blast_analysis_meeting_5.21.4.pdf _ P_neutron not better than 5 % by geometry (LADS) _ TA: working on full track construction now _ CZ: new T20 plot, problems with first data point _ combines 40, 60 cm data _ data sets seem systematically different _ results from global fit of polarization to all 3 data points _ t20, t21 relies on t22 calculation _ needs to quantify systematic effect of t22, spin angle on his results _ wait for new results !! (after bug fixes) _ YX: nothing new this time _ AS: looking at resolution for 18 hits track _ BT: _ shows fit to photo-electron peaks in CC spectra _ determines CC efficiency from fitted (statistical) _ compares to measured efficiency _ agrees to 10 % _ only C0R seems way off (weird ADC spectrum) _ AM: _ find small mistake in DGen in rotating CM->Blast lab _ affects out-of-plane angles only _ 300 K montecarlo run done (60 cm) _ redoing 60 cm with above bug fix and z-dependent spin angle _ CC: _ resolution studies _ all data have P_electron 33 MeV (inbending, H2) _ for a given theta (36), phi, z bin P_electron is 16 MeV (out 720 MeV) _ shows as function of theta, phi, z (other parameters fixed) _ unexplained dependency of dp vs phi angle _ rather independent of z _ resolution as a function p also depended on different impact angles _ reported by email about on t2d _ garfield data used correctly in libBlast _ does not explain why angle correction does not work _ found bug with in handling of proton beta correction (~ < 15 ns) _ another bug in simtrack: returns wrong tracklength !! _ affects all tof calculations DH: _ progress with neural network track fitter _ on montecarlo only, insensitive to calib parameters _ needs stubs but provides 50 MeV delta_p, and 5 mrad angles (better than recon) _ maybe can be used in place of future fast fitter GT: _ makes point about background subtraction in 60 cm cells