please find the minutes of today's analysis meeting below and in the
meeting directory
Best regards
Minutes of the BLAST analysis meeting on 2/28 at Bates
-Ulf Meissner, theorist from Bonn, Germany, to visit MIT on March
8-9. Will give a seminar on the pion cloud of the nucleon on Friday
March 9 at 3pm in the Kolker room.
This is important for all BLAST-related physics, in particular for
people studying elastic and transition form factors of the nucleon,
and deuteron structure at low Q2.
Attendance by BLAST people is strongly advised!
We will make an effort to video-stream the talk via internet. Michael
will test this today will send instructions.
Title: The Pion Cloud of the Nucleon: Facts and popular Fantasies
Abstract: I discuss the concept of the pion cloud surrounding the
nucleon and other hadrons - and its limitations.
-First paper on GEp/GMp published in
C.B. Crawford et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 052301
-Collaboration meeting on Fri 3/30 09:00 at Bates
Agenda will be sent out
Final reviews of Tavi's and Eugene's results
Review of results to be presented at the APS conferemce in Jacksonville
April 14-17, 2007.
Physics analyses:
-GEn: see ppt. Eugene writing thesis, defense on April 9. Montecarlo has
been fine-tuned for resolution of neutron angle (however there is still
quite a disagreement in the thetacms yield distributions of MC and
data) and momentum through propagation of empirical time-of-flight
resolution. This was supposed to resolve the 1-sigma discrepancy of
the low-Q2 points with the two methods of fitting pmiss or thetacms
dependent asymmetries. Further thinking/discussion is needed come to
a conclusion for the final value and systematic error.
+how do the corresponding comparison of data/MC versus thetacms look
like in e'p? ->Adam
+need final value of hPz (and correlation with thetastar)
-d(e,e'p): see ppt. Adam discussing refined cuts: time correlation for
three assumed PIDs for the positive tracks, pi+,p,d. Observing deltaT
peak for each one. Also showing very preliminary hPz vs. Q2 from
superratio method (no MC!): Kinematic corrections seem to make
previously observed slope even steeper ... however, this is pending
on applying proper cuts. In the plot hPz vs. Q2, red triangles = only
electron momentum is corrected; red circles = momentum corrections
are shared among electrons and protons; corrections are parametrized
functions vs.theta_e,theta_p; blue triangles/circles are from last
collaboration meeting in November 06.
+need hPz! and the correlation with thetastar. Need to extract hPz
with Arenhoevel-MC as well and see how the refined cuts and new
kinematic corrections change the situation.
+Envisioning to come to a conclusion about hPz by March 30.
-GMn: MIT student Adele Schwab getting started. Joined in January as
UROP student, now during classes having limited time. Will update
Nik's analysis with new recrunch data and updated kinematic
-T20: Michael is running Chi's codes; work is in progress.
Goals for March 30: revised cuts, runlist, T2q results, Pzz, thd
-T11: Peter waiting for Michael's update of T20 and for hPz.
-Pions from proton: Yuan.
-Pions from deuteron: Aki. Needs hPz.
Pion group will meet on Monday 3/5 11:15am at 26-502.
-p(e,e') inclusive: Tavi postponed defense to April 6; will include
extraction of E2/M1 and C2/M1 based on MAID2003. Correspondence with
MAID-author Lothar Tiator (Mainz) on how to vary E2 and C2 in MAID.
| Office: | Home: |
| Dr. Michael Kohl | Michael Kohl |
| Laboratory for Nuclear Science | 5 Ibbetson Street |
| MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center | Somerville, MA 02143 |
| Middleton, MA 01949 | U.S.A. |
| U.S.A. | |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - -|
| Email: kohlm@mit.edu | K.Michael.Kohl@gmx.de |
| Work: +1-617-253-9207 | Home: +1-617-629-3147 |
| Fax: +1-617-253-9599 | Mobile: +1-978-580-4190 |
| http://blast.lns.mit.edu | |
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