below at the end are the minutes of today's analysis meeting.
Note that the attendance of this meeting was low, with only senior people
present. I understand that a number of people were still off, and I
received apologies by various ones.
This mode of analysis meetings, however, is very uneffective. With only
people who are not actively involved into the analysis, this meeting
serves only to spread out information in one way. While this is certainly
good and necessary to share new information at the higher level from time
to time, we will not need this kind of meeting bi-weekly.
I rather suggest we continue to have small-scale, focused meetings on
subtopics, with only those people that are actively involved in analysis
and supervision. Such meetings have been held in subgroups over the recent
year, such as [Bob, Doug, Renee, Adam] on d(e,e'p), [Eugene, Vitaliy,
Michael] on d(e,e'n) or [Bill, Doug, Shalev, Aki, Yuan, Michael] or
[Tavi, Michael, John] on pion production, and others as well not mentioned
here. The pace of those meetings is adjusted as needed, and the purpose of
these meetings is of course definition of analysis goals, layout of
analysis strategies, problem recognition and solution search.
I suggest that once a month an "information sharing" meeting of the
old type should be held at Bates. I will continue to organize this and
coordinate/collect reports.
Still, every three+ months, we will have the BLAST collaboration meeting,
which has again more a character of information sharing, but here in
form of much more detailed reviews.
We are currently thinking of a time early in April 2007 for the next
review meeting. This should allow for sufficient time to wrap up
ed-elastic, GEn, p-inclusive and more.
With the above said, the next analysis meeting will be on Thursday,
February 01, 2007 at Bates.
We can (will) hold additional small meetings at any time, any where.
I'm asking you to correspond with me ahead of time in preparation of this
next meeting.
Best regards,
Minutes of the BLAST analysis meeting on Thursday, January 04, 2007:
+cloned Chi's analysis tree and successfully compiled
+push-button analysis with various tasks
+Chi's thesis well written, proves very useful
+now going through every step, learning how codes work, which cuts
are used, aiming to reproduce previous results
+verify extraction of Pzz and thd
+update recrunch version as last step once previous results are
reproduced and understood
+need ~few more weeks
+Peter updating vector-pol. ed-elastic. Needs hPz, and T20 results, will
use same event list as tensor ed-elastic analysis when final
-d(e,e') for GMn
+on Michael's tasklist, but without additional manpower this has to wait
until tensor ed-elastic is complete.
+Bob/Richard offering help. A possible senior thesis candidate may become
available. Nik could be contacted for a possible contribution, too.
+Adam still tied in classes but will resume in a week
+Doug to support e,e'p analysis
+AD working on cuts for v21, has produced some plots of additional
kinematic variables to study effect of kinematic corrections
+Progress toward final hPz?
+Systematic errors?
+Correlation between hPz and thd?
+Separation of A_par, A_perp -> independent method to extract GEn?
+Evaluation of systematic errors?
+Finalize GEn ...
-d(e,e'pi+)nn, d(e,e'pi-)pp
+Aki working on paper draft for tensor polarization in pion
electroproduction from deuterium
-p(e,e'pi+)n, p(e,e'p)pi0
+Measured yields and asymmetries quite mature
+Yuan working on maximum likelihood extraction of response functions,
needs to identify subset to which BLAST data is sensitive
+implemented radiative tail simulation from Sasha's codes
+benchmark comparison with Aki's radtail generator: agreement within
'ballpark', at few-percent level.
+Analysis now focused on extraction of tt', tl', and systematic errors
| Office: | Home: |
| Dr. Michael Kohl | Michael Kohl |
| Laboratory for Nuclear Science | 5 Ibbetson Street |
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| Email: kohlm@mit.edu | K.Michael.Kohl@gmx.de |
| Work: +1-617-253-9207 | Home: +1-617-629-3147 |
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