Hi all,
The ep elastic radiative simulation (MASCARAD, see eg., A. Afanasev, et
al. hep-ph0102086) as well as elementary electro production reaction
simulations (MAID, DMT, and, Sato-Lee) are uploaded to BLASTCVS/pionmc.
I will make a more detailed report soon, but here are some user manuals
how to actually run of one of these simulations:
0) To run a simulation, type, "blast -b -f [fn] -t [ntrig]" at your
"BLASTCVS/run" directory.
Where [fn] is the parameter file number of be used (if fort.33 then
[ntrig] is the number of events to be fed to the geant geometry setup,
and the -b option specifies the batch mode.
Please use the root v4.02 or higher to compile, however. This is to use
the dilogarithm function from TMath (needed for the radiative correction
part). The main program is a shart C++ code, "blast.cc." You might find
easy to change/find what the options are.
1) Please download BLASTCVS/Blast_Params/fort.33 to obtain the parameter
file for the excutable binary file, BLASTCVS/run/blast. You can set the
reaction channels (e'p, e'pgamma, e'ppi0,enpi+) and models to choose
from (MAID, DMT, SL) in this file (i.e., the option, "Kine 30"). For
the elastic simulations, please use options,
Kine 30 1.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.948 (for the radiative corrected Born term)
Kine 30 2.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.948 (for the elatic radiative tail)
The value, 0.948, is the W cutfoff values in GeV/c^2. (Please do NOT
change the cutoff value here at this moment)
2) For pion simulations, you will need CGLN amplitude files (*.out) and
a mutipole file (sent-mit-2004-10-13). They are located at
"bud18:/net/scratch/bud18/shino/BLASTCVS/BUILD/run/theory." Please copy
them to your "BLASTCVS/run/theory" directory.
Also please change the Kine 30 option parameter, accordingly.
3) The total charge has to be properly stored into an output file (a
coda file is the only workable option at this moment). Yuan is working
for it at this moment. If charge normalization is not a concern, the
simulation should give a reasonable resutls. Please let me know if you
find any problems.
Thank you so much,
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