Proton ELoss parametrization

From: Eugene J. Geis (
Date: Fri Mar 10 2006 - 16:27:33 EST

Proton's momentum loss can be parameterized over
momentum or over theta. The high polar angle and
low momentum occupy the same phase space so use only
one. The parameterizations were done by comparing
reconstructed MonteCarlo with Eloss on and Eloss off,
MASCARAD was off for both MonteCarlo runs and thus
plays no part in this parameterization. Electrons
proved to not need any parameterization as should
be expected.

The following polynomials should be added to the
reconstructed momentum in order to "bump up" the
proton's momentum to the proper momentum.

Root's 4th degree polynomial fit over
energy lost vs. momentum gives the following:

p0 3.05683e-02
p1 -1.64857e-01
p2 3.34062e-01
p3 -2.99825e-01
p4 1.00794e-01

Root's 4th degree polynomial fit over
energy lost vs. theta gives the following:

p0 5.97905e-02
p1 -5.29057e-03
p2 1.73551e-04
p3 -2.49832e-06
p4 1.33493e-08

Attached graphs can be interpreted as the titles
given for each plot.

Note: For and, the two plots on the left
side are for ELOSS ON, and the two plots on the
right side are for ELOSS OFF! is a plot of the profiles subtracted from
each other. Cuts for good ep-elastic data are

TCut Cutst_L("(qwl==-1&&qwr==1&&
abs(sqrt((0.85-pwl+0.938272)**2 -
0.85*(0.85-2.*pwl*cos(twl*0.01745))-pwl**2)-0.938)<0.04 && abs(fwl-fwr+180.)<3.0)");

TCut Cutst_R("(qwl==1&&qwr==-1&&
abs(sqrt((0.85-pwr+0.938272)**2 -
0.85*(0.85-2.*pwr*cos(twr*0.01745))-pwr**2)-0.938)<0.04 && abs(fwl-fwr+180.)<3.0)");

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