[BLAST_ANAWARE] T20 from complete data sets

From: Chi Zhang (zhangchi@MIT.EDU)
Date: Thu Jun 02 2005 - 14:30:40 EDT

Hi Blasters,

atatched are T20 from the "complete" blast data set, that is:

Jul-Oct 2004, 8480-12013, 32 degree, 0.66(0.68) Pzz, 346kC
Mar-May 2005, 14336-16433, 47 degree, 0.54(0.56) Pzz, 500kC

the two Pzz listed are fit_to_abbott_1(fit_to_abbott_3). the other sets
are now a extremely tiny fraction in terms of FOM and have much larger
uncertainty in spin angle and Pzz. So I opted to exclude them.

Just to give a first impression of the state of data, not a final result.

Note the runs used might be a little bit different from one analysis to
another, I d be happy to respond to request to fit Pzz for different run
lists(so long as I don't have to do it everyday :)

also note these numbers are "subject to changes" when analysis move along.


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