In the "better late than never" category:
ABS deuterium running, good runs 15933-15935, 15937-15939,
15941-15943. Trouble crunching 15941, due to a lack of entry for that run
in the mysql database.
!!! Do NOT start a new run until you have clicked the red "valid, send to
autocruncher" button on the end of run screen !!!! You end up with no
database entry for that run, and the autocruncher sees the new run number
instead of the run that just finished. So someone has to make a manual
database entry, and then submit the run for crunching.
Lifetime is a bit low, and the Compton false asymmetry is large. Out of
adjustment on the Compton collimator or laser path; electron beam
position/angle can't be corrected for. Jan will take the beam for tuning
at some point, Thursday or Friday evening. Brian McAllister tried opening
the slits up to increase the lifetime, but that also increased the BQMs, WC
scalers and normalized coinc trigger rate, so we went back to the old settings.
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