Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] junk mail

From: Manouch Farkhondeh (
Date: Sat May 07 2005 - 15:39:40 EDT

I totally agree with Tancredi. With Thunderbird and now even with
Netscape mail programs it is very easy to set up spam filters to get
ride of junk mail. Also, as Doug wrote, with an MIT mail (
account, a flag (SPAM-filter=yes or No) is setup automatically with each
mail that can then be trashed by setting up your filter accordingly. I
have an MIT account but even w/o one, Thunderbird or Netscape can
through away spams. For the past 6 months I am again enjoying viewing
my inbox w/o the spams. Actually, it is enlightening that Thunderbird
 first displaying the spam emails in the INBOX for a second and then
emptying them into the trash or another folders you select.



Tancredi Botto wrote:

>Hi aki,
>Unfortunately (or maybe there is a good reason for that) it is not MIT
>policy to filter out incoming email. Unfortunately, BLAST_ABS first and
>then BLAST_shifts have been hijacked by spammers (hey, maybe for some of
>us it might be a good idea to buy a house, but then again maybe not)
>It is quite easy to set up a spam filter with thunderbird or others.
>Just flag the email as junk, and any other email from that address won't
>be delivered anymore. I am quite sure It should be possible to do it in
>pine as well, just don't ask me how.
>(thunderbird is beautful and since it uses the mbox format, it will read
>all of your pine folders as they are right now, no conversion needed. In
>addition, it has a spam filter)
>-- t
>Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
>research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949
>On Thu, 5 May 2005, Akihisa Shinozaki wrote:
>>Quite irritated, I put all email addresses (,
>>,,, etc.) to
>>the web page ( to remove from their list
>>(it takes 72 hours for processing, it claims). I am quite sure that it
>>is useless to send a complaint to "Morris Russo <>"
>>or "Joanne Hobson <>".
>>>We tried contacting you awhile ago about your low interest morta(ge rate.
>>>You have qualified for the lowest rate in years...
>>>You could get over $380,000 for as little as $500 a month!
>>>Ba(d credit? Doesn't matter, low rates are fixed no matter what!
>>>To get a free, no obli,gation consultation click below:
>>>Best Regards,
>>>Royal Clemons
>>>to be remov(ed:
>>>this process takes one week, so please be patient. we do our
>>>best to take your email/s off but you have to fill out a rem/ove
>>>or else you will continue to recieve email/s.

Manouchehr Farkhondeh                 
Principal Research Scientist
Division Head of Physics, Accelerator
MIT, Bates Linear Accelerator Center            tel (617)253-9298
Middleton, MA  01949                            fax (617) 253-9599

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