Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] DCCT Calibration

From: Chi Zhang (zhangchi@MIT.EDU)
Date: Wed Apr 13 2005 - 17:40:49 EDT

Hi Doug

first just for reference, this is the old calibration used to convert
scaler DCCT to Amps, effective since run 418, yet 418.

it is a quadratic, a pedestal is subtracted from DCCT counts first
        pedestal: 2400
        p0: 2.90027
        p1: 3.01409e-4
        p2: 6.18094e-10

Now question: is there a pedestal substraction in the new calibration? So
it covers upto 250mA, how about on the lower side, what is minimal current
this fit covers? Though it s not likely, will there be a point in time
prior to which this calibration stops to be effective?


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