Hello Ernie,
perhaps the rest of us have accepted the ontological characteristics of
the network with fatalistic complacency
(and periodic trips to our mental consultants). I have certainly
experienced such problems as Tavi intimated. In fact, in recent days
(last month, maybe more), a rather frequent unapologetic "freezing" has
become particularly aggravating. I suspect others connecting from MIT
have experienced similar meltdowns.
Ernie Bisson, MIT Bates Linear Accelerator wrote:
>>I have lost my data continuously in the last month!
>>I use former Baris' computer (spinspin) to log in to my bud (bud07).
>>One run takes in average three days (I use only my bud, due to some
>>settings to my env.). Last Saturday I was on shift, my data was lost, I
>>started it again, now, Monday: both runs:
>> Read from remote host blast05: Connection reset by peer
>> Connection to blast05 closed.
>> <spinspin.lns.mit.edu:103>
>>Since this was impossible to do it from UNH, it looks like it is
>>impossible to do it from Bates also! Normally I loose my histograms, thus
>>I have started printing all the data in order to be able to reproduce it
>>later, but this doesn't work either! Do I have to use a special computer
>>to stay connected?!
>Your most recent problems (Saturday and Monday) probably occured because of
>problems we were having with the network switch blast05 is connected to. I
>don't know if there had been problems with this switch before the last serveral
>days. It's been replaced now, so that should no longer be a cause. To diagnose
>problems you had earlier in the month I would need to know dates and times.
>I've been unaware that you (or anyone else) had been periodically losing
>their connections. The log files on blast05 indicate others my have as well,
>but you have been the first to complain. In the future, please bring such
>problems to my attention more promptly.
>Regardless, you should run your jobs in such a way that network disruptions
>do to cause them to terminate. I asked Chris Crawford to E-mail you about
>the best ways to do this in conjuction with data analysis.
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