[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 03/26/2005 B (9-17)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sat Mar 26 2005 - 16:49:44 EST

Operator: clasie

Polarized deuterium at 200mA injection.

There were beam instabilities at 2.25pm that caused the detectors to trip. Run 14673 was stopped. There was two bad fills and lifetime had dropped by 5min and the BQM's were about a factor of two too large. Genya was called and he said to give the beam to CCR for tuning. CCR raised the top slit a little and the BQM's improved, but the lifetime was still about a minute or two lower than before the instabilities. Run 14676 was then started.

Ligit continued to rise during the shift. At the start it was at 3.3e-7 Torr and by the end it was at 4.0e-7.

Wire chamber L21 tripped a few times, but not enough to lower the voltage.

The autocruncher crashed twice, and Michael fixed it both times. The details are in the elog.

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