Operator: shino
Polarized deuterium data taking was done throughout this shift.
The Lead Glass 0 Upstream suddenly started to keep tripping just around 5 am
(run # 14663). It did not hold any hv values initially, but hours later,
HV = -1600 V and -1500 V lasted 2 and 15 minutes, respectively. It is
-1400 V now and it seems that the value lasts indefinitely. The
original hv value was -1900 V. Micheal answered my phone call and he
will look at it later.
All wire chamber high voltages are set at 3850 V since run # 14664 and
there have been no hv trips observed for three hours.
The autocruncher complains about stalled runs on spud6 from time to
time. The problem looks (to me) that there are too many recruncher.tcl
running on this machine. Anyway, I find that I do not have to kill the
submitted jobs as the crucher demon suggests. Spud6 seems to be so
slow that the demon cannot detect the progress. Because I do not know if
these jobs are of any importance, I did not kill them. I hope someone
can take a look at it.
The beam current is 140---200 mA and the lifetime is 29 minutes. Ligit
has increased from 2.8 x 10^-7 to 3.4 x 10^-7 torr.
Good runs : 14660-14667
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