Operator: akdogan
Overall a smooth shift.
Took ABS-D2 data without any significant interruption.
Injection current is 190mA, beam lifetime is about 30mins.
Beam polarization is 65.4 +- 0.8%.
The false asymmetry in Compton polarimeter is completely (0.4+-0.8%)
eliminated by some more collimator adjustments. Occasional beam
instabilities accompanied by HV trips were observed. However, it
was not a significant amount to be concerned.
Noticed some transition-like spikes between the expected transition times
on the ligit strip charts which happens every about 80mins. See elog
entry 33793 for a snapshot. Not sure, if it effects the data quality. An ABS
expert should have a look at this.
WC HVs are holding fine, unless there is beam related problems.
The latest crunched run set (March 17 shift-A) shows the following hPz:
L: 0.319 +- 0.063 R: 0.393 +- 0.041
which corresponds roughly to 54% of target polarization. Which is better than
last week, but still significantly worse than last year.
All runs are being crunched.
Updated pol.log (for about the last 6-7 days of data. Please, continue to
pay attention to this. There is still empty entries for Pzz...)
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