Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] the measurement uncertainties of the holding field angle

From: Akihisa Shinozaki (
Date: Wed Mar 09 2005 - 17:49:50 EST

Hello again,

I revised the computation because I think, Genya's "pitch" and "roll"
should correspond to, "theta (polar angle)" and "phi (azimuthal angle)",
respectively. Also, I should not mix these errors and put 1.8 deg.
uncertainty, which overestimates the error.

Now, with the 0.9 degree pitch and 1.6 degree roll errors of the probe
(see [BLASTTALK] Holding field map by Genya, Thu Jan 27, 2005 - 16:44:08
EST), in addition to the positional and the relative errors, which were
provided by Karen and assumed to be the same for Genya's measurement, I
obtain ~0.5 and ~0.7 degrees errors for 48 and 32 degree holding fields,

The attachments are the detailed results. Sorry for the additional loads
for your mailboxes.

Thank you,

Akihisa Shinozaki wrote:

> Hello there,
> As discussed at the meeting, I would like to reintroduce the error
> estimate of the holding field map. The attachment is the errors of the
> Genya's holding angles, which are estimated from the angular
> uncertainly of 0.9 deg. (azimuth) and 1.6 deg. (polar) with the
> position resolution of 1 mm and the 0.1 % component errors. The
> resulting errors are quite big (~1.5 deg.).
> If one could measure the field when the angular uncertainty is 1
> deg. then the holding angle uncertainly would result ~0.7 deg. Right
> now I am calculating them with the 1.8 deg. (=sqrt(0.6**2+1.6**2))
> hole probe
> angular uncertainty.
> By the way, in order to estimate these uncertainties, one needs to
> know the
> approximate idea of the 3d holding field in the first place. For my
> case, the 3d map is already constructed from Karen's measurements and
> the map is accurate within 6 Gauss now.
> I hope this is clear enough to you,
> Aki
>number of lines = 53
>z(cm) th(deg) d_th (deg)
>-22.0 59.0234 1.8286
>-21.0 49.1927 1.5679
>-20.0 43.5166 1.4702
>-19.0 39.0312 1.4394
>-18.0 36.0677 1.4383
>-17.0 33.9008 1.4466
>-16.0 32.4745 1.4550
>-15.0 31.2989 1.4643
>-14.0 30.5377 1.4702
>-13.0 30.0229 1.4737
>-12.0 29.7449 1.4743
>-11.0 29.5774 1.4740
>-10.0 29.5371 1.4719
> -9.0 29.6514 1.4676
> -8.0 29.9090 1.4612
> -7.0 30.3060 1.4527
> -6.0 30.7787 1.4432
> -5.0 31.3650 1.4321
> -4.0 31.9615 1.4213
> -3.0 32.7785 1.4072
> -2.0 33.5159 1.3951
> -1.0 33.9639 1.3878
> 0.0 34.0933 1.3856
> 1.0 33.9334 1.3880
> 2.0 33.3659 1.3969
> 3.0 32.7211 1.4075
> 4.0 31.8092 1.4230
> 5.0 30.9533 1.4383
> 6.0 30.1847 1.4528
> 7.0 29.3843 1.4683
> 8.0 28.8209 1.4801
> 9.0 28.4261 1.4892
> 10.0 28.1027 1.4976
> 11.0 27.9496 1.5032
> 12.0 27.8695 1.5082
> 13.0 27.8833 1.5123
> 14.0 28.0759 1.5139
> 15.0 28.3778 1.5153
> 16.0 29.1230 1.5114
> 17.0 30.0853 1.5070
> 18.0 31.3033 1.5037
> 19.0 33.3904 1.4984
> 20.0 36.5871 1.5021
> 21.0 40.7334 1.5384
> 22.0 47.3984 1.6613
> 23.0 57.7412 1.9713
> 24.0 75.1877 2.5132
> 25.0 102.2739 2.6628
> 26.0 123.5967 2.1361
> 27.0 139.7025 1.7451
> 28.0 148.8421 1.6690
> 29.0 155.0363 1.6872
> 30.0 159.1108 1.7185
>Opening L250T500_gt_Jan2005.dat
>number of lines = 27
>z(cm) th(deg) d_th (deg)
>-22.0 73.3130 1.8712
>-20.0 60.9776 1.5641
>-18.0 53.8469 1.4059
>-16.0 50.0729 1.3449
>-14.0 47.6989 1.3196
>-12.0 46.4790 1.3098
>-10.0 45.8645 1.3053
> -8.0 45.8995 1.3032
> -6.0 46.2966 1.3023
> -4.0 46.9873 1.3031
> -2.0 47.7569 1.3053
> 0.0 48.1810 1.3070
> 2.0 47.5524 1.3046
> 4.0 46.3644 1.3018
> 6.0 45.2728 1.3018
> 8.0 44.5351 1.3041
> 10.0 44.3004 1.3072
> 12.0 44.5458 1.3115
> 14.0 45.3862 1.3186
> 16.0 47.1337 1.3349
> 18.0 50.3444 1.3778
> 20.0 56.4721 1.4997
> 22.0 67.3441 1.7808
> 24.0 86.0872 2.1369
> 26.0 111.8773 1.9417
> 28.0 131.7927 1.5238
> 30.0 144.3721 1.4728

Processing show_gt.C...
Opening L500T500_gt_Jan2005.dat
number of lines = 53
Info in <TCanvas::Print>: eps file show_gt.eps has been created
-22.0 59.0234 1.2483
-21.0 49.1927 1.0073
-20.0 43.5166 0.8855
-19.0 39.0312 0.8189
-18.0 36.0677 0.7856
-17.0 33.9008 0.7671
-16.0 32.4745 0.7561
-15.0 31.2989 0.7494
-14.0 30.5377 0.7436
-13.0 30.0229 0.7385
-12.0 29.7449 0.7331
-11.0 29.5774 0.7282
-10.0 29.5371 0.7231
 -9.0 29.6514 0.7173
 -8.0 29.9090 0.7106
 -7.0 30.3060 0.7031
 -6.0 30.7787 0.6951
 -5.0 31.3650 0.6863
 -4.0 31.9615 0.6778
 -3.0 32.7785 0.6672
 -2.0 33.5159 0.6578
 -1.0 33.9639 0.6521
  0.0 34.0933 0.6503
  1.0 33.9334 0.6522
  2.0 33.3659 0.6590
  3.0 32.7211 0.6672
  4.0 31.8092 0.6788
  5.0 30.9533 0.6902
  6.0 30.1847 0.7011
  7.0 29.3843 0.7126
  8.0 28.8209 0.7222
  9.0 28.4261 0.7305
 10.0 28.1027 0.7388
 11.0 27.9496 0.7460
 12.0 27.8695 0.7538
 13.0 27.8833 0.7621
 14.0 28.0759 0.7701
 15.0 28.3778 0.7801
 16.0 29.1230 0.7902
 17.0 30.0853 0.8035
 18.0 31.3033 0.8227
 19.0 33.3904 0.8512
 20.0 36.5871 0.9015
 21.0 40.7334 0.9893
 22.0 47.3984 1.1597
 23.0 57.7412 1.4677
 24.0 75.1877 1.9260
 25.0 102.2739 2.0932
 26.0 123.5967 1.7015
 27.0 139.7025 1.2878
 28.0 148.8421 1.0944
 29.0 155.0363 1.0103
 30.0 159.1108 0.9758

Processing show_gt.C...
Opening L250T500_gt_Jan2005.dat
number of lines = 27
Info in <TCanvas::Print>: eps file show_gt.eps has been created
-22.0 73.3130 0.9938
-20.0 60.9776 0.7555
-18.0 53.8469 0.6369
-16.0 50.0729 0.5904
-14.0 47.6989 0.5728
-12.0 46.4790 0.5651
-10.0 45.8645 0.5606
 -8.0 45.8995 0.5554
 -6.0 46.2966 0.5496
 -4.0 46.9873 0.5435
 -2.0 47.7569 0.5382
  0.0 48.1810 0.5358
  2.0 47.5524 0.5394
  4.0 46.3644 0.5475
  6.0 45.2728 0.5569
  8.0 44.5351 0.5659
 10.0 44.3004 0.5735
 12.0 44.5458 0.5811
 14.0 45.3862 0.5910
 16.0 47.1337 0.6090
 18.0 50.3444 0.6502
 20.0 56.4721 0.7526
 22.0 67.3441 0.9764
 24.0 86.0872 1.2725
 26.0 111.8773 1.2326
 28.0 131.7927 0.9492
 30.0 144.3721 0.8427

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.2 : Mon Feb 24 2014 - 14:07:32 EST