Operator: tancredi
Very quiet shift kept taking polarization data - no trips.
ABS yield is 9.05402 ev/C which is comparable to that of before nozzle generation
(~9.5 ev/C see entry 32830 on monday). Target temperature is mostly 130 K, compared to 170 K though. I believe that the lower neutron yield of EG can be explained with the much warmer cell compared to october (roughy sqrt(1.7) = 1.3)
Polarization product for latest runs (runs 13697-13703) is 0.45 +- 0.18 and 0.49+-0.11 according to show_deep_asym.C (45 deg spn angle) corresponding
to 70 % polarization and not different from 32 deg orientation
Very smooth shift. Needle counting 346 C/hr at the end. This is also my last shift with BLAST. Good luck to all of you !
I believe there is an issue with show_deep_asym_all_47.C in Deuterium/DEEPLIB such as with:
Warning in <TH1F::Divide>: Attempt to divide histograms with different axis limits
which somehow I have not been able to fix by setting, e.g., the right axis limits..... Anyhow this fancier program (tuned to data and background conditions of last year, incuding montecarlo file, still 32 deg ?) shows a different polarization but also the asymmetry is different! Hopefully aaron has something to say here.
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