Operator: manouch
Today was a snake fill day
the cell temperature rise with beam still remains a puzzle.
Beam back at 2:00 pm. Did 2 tests to shed light at the cell temperature rise puzzle.
1) scanned beam in H and V +/- 0.5 mm at ITAR location to ensure beam has room left right before hitting the cell or collimator. data shows that we have a situation similar to last December. Plots of BQM and Scalars vs. X show a little rise. Conclusion is that we have room in horizontal direction at the cell (at least +/- 0.5 mm. We did not scan beyond this range. Test done at 70 mA max
2) To monitor the cell temp reaction to beam with empty target, filled the ring at 150 mA few times. The response of target temperature is similar in characteristics to the respopnse with ABS. Still taking data.
No runs taken in this shift. The plan is to run overnight at 150 -170 mA with ABS.
Taqrgeet Spin angle: I_L=500 A and I_T=500 A, this according to Genya means we are still at 32 degree (sorry Michael) . He will instruct the Chief what I_L and I_T we need to get 45 degree.
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