Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 11/11/2004 C (17-1)

From: Adrian T Sindile (
Date: Fri Nov 12 2004 - 10:38:10 EST

Taylan called me and I pointed him to the TOF repair web page.
He graciuosly offered to mount the PMT on LT5 following the web
instructions, as neither Pete nor I could be at Bates during the day

To try and fix the RTT3, which Michael reported as having the lightguide
at a different angle, the whole group of 4 TOFs needs to be taken out with
a crane, RTT3 needs to be separated and then glued, cured overnight and
put back the next day. As it is now, it still gets data (but it should be
fixed ASAP).
If the two techs whom we trained for this (Chris and Dave?) are not around
anymore, Pete and I can come and fix it whenever there is plan on opening
the hall for half a day (Monday, Tuesday? Just let us know)... and then
come and put them back the next day. Data taking will probably have to
stop for those two days (4 TOFs missing)...


> Some TOF expert should be available on Friday morning to reinstall the phototube (it is located on the small bench at the left-sector wall, grease is in the cage near the fence) and gainmatch (probably the "old" value of -2300V from before last Monday is adequate.
> I believe right-TOF3 top (RTT3) was also a candidate of inefficiency. Someone may want to check the lightguide joint as it presently points to a different direction than its three neighbors RTT0...2
> The shielding of RTB3 had partially slipped off, I put it back in place. Maybe that's why it was less efficient?
> Took runs 12520-12526 without LT5.
> MK

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