We are running ABS hydrogen at 48 degrees. Since the failure of a turbo
pump in the ring early this morning, we have only been filling to 160 mA,
and the lifetime is down a few minutes to about 28 min.
Tomorrow the beam will be turned off about 7am, so the hall is open by 8am
to fill the Superconducting Solenoids. While the hall is open, the turbo
pump will also be repaired. Finally, Barbara Santorella will be checking
into the network problems we have been having. Network access in the South
Hall Counting Bay will be intermittent for the morning (and so you may not
be able to access buds, spuds, or the BLAST web page).
We expect the nozzle to freeze in the next 1-2 days. We will begin
warming it up by 1am,
so that the target is ready when the beam is back tomorrow
afternoon. Ernie Ihloff will call in with instructions. While the target
is warming up, we will run empty target. We still don't know why the MFT
setting fails occasionally, giving us a high ligit reading and an
unpolarized target.
Sometime in the next few days, we will spend up to a shift running
unpolarized 3He at a flow rate of 1.5E17 atoms/sec (3 times what Genya ran
on 10/31), to see how this affects the beam (lifetime, maximum injected
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