[BLAST_SHIFTS] BLAST daily meeting

From: Bill Franklin (wafrankl@mit.edu)
Date: Mon Sep 20 2004 - 15:55:06 EDT

The run plan is to continue taking polarized deuterium data until 11:00
this evening. At that point, we will switch to empty target and start
warming up the nozzle. Genya will call in with instructions.
Running on empty will continue until 7:00 in the morning, at which point,
beam will be turned off and the Snakes will be ramped down for refilling.

Tomorrow we will attempt to accomplish all maintenance tasks in the
morning, so that running can resume in the early afternoon. Running
after the Snake fill will begin with an unpolarized hydrogen target.
There may also be an hour or so of tuning to optimize steering in the
Ring. The switchover to ABS running will occur later in the evening.

Wilbur A. Franklin			*  Phone: 617-253-9518
Bates Linear Accelerator Center		*  FAX:	  617-253-9599
P.O. Box 846				*  Email: wafrankl@mit.edu
Middleton, MA 01949			*

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