Let me put a few ideas I think about this issue. I think we had
discussed to discontinue to produce flr in favor of lr. Let's
look at the big picture from a distance:
Why don't we take one more step and put everything that an
analyzed event (physics/epics/scaler) can have into one
big-but-simple structure? I think Chi's DST can be extended to
cover "everything" that the lr and mini-DST have (if it
already does not have). It should be organized such that it
can be used for all channels of the experiment.
If one needs extra data structures (like mini-DST) or what
Vitally needs that shows that what we're producing out of CPU
intensive crunches is not sufficient, and possible/partially
waste of CPU time.
To organize, this we, first, need to document (in great detail)
what each of data structures (dst, lr, flr: they all have about
the 'same' size 2-5MB) have (this is partially done), and what
each experiment channel needs, and then re-structure or extend
the DST to cover them all in a logical way. And, DST itself MAY
need some internal structural changes (what Chi has done is
pretty neat, but not everybody has the same expertise Chi has on
Tree with classes) to simplify it. And, to 'encourage' people to
use the DST, a bare-bone script should be created (I think there
is already one as an example of DST) which should shows some
basic operations like accessing to a branch/leaf which gives a
starting point to the user of the DST.
On Thu, 12 Aug 2004, Adrian T Sindile wrote:
> Hi, Vitaliy!
> Besides the ntuple, there are two other solutions in place: one is Chi's
> DST (have you tried it yet?), the other one is my mini-DST I wrote just
> for e-p purposes, but it could easily be extended for other channels (it
> only needs target state information for deuterium, which I did not bother
> with - the particles are booked dynamically, in an expandable TClonesArray
> that grows as needed by the number of tracks - it books duplicate tracks
> too, of course - in that particular event). The whole structure is a TTree...
> The part of code that does this in lrn (Chi integrated my code about two
> months ago) is under a comment containing the word "ep_skim")...
> If for some reason you cannot use Chi's DST, please feel free to modify
> the "ep_skim" thing to include deuterium target spin info as needed.
> I think it would solve your problem, it was for the purposes you mentioned
> that I wrote it... and I tried to keep it very simple, so it would be very
> easy to use for analysis.
> Cheers,
> Adrian
Taylan Akdogan Massachusetts Institute of Technology
akdogan@mit.edu Department of Physics
Phn:+1-617-258-0801 Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Fax:+1-617-258-5440 Room 26-402b
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