Operator: ajmasch
finally, good beam and data taking. compton seems to be fixed, too, and now shows polarization values around 68 +- 1.3 %. max beam current is 120mA. next shift is dedicated to getting it higher.
good runs : 8740 8742-8746 8748-8753
a new 3 million event d(e,e'p) monte carlo just finished. used it to determine vector dilutions:
left dil right dil
vs pm : 0.535 +- 0.022 0.502 +- 0.019
vs Q^2 : 0.595 +- 0.015 0.536 +- 0.013
vs Q^2 (hydrogen point asymmetry) : 0.557 +- 0.014 0.576 +- 0.014
vs Q^2 (deuterium point asymmetry) : 0.547 +- 0.013 0.496 +- 0.012
(see the attached pretty pictures)
i'm not ready to check in my library just yet... sorry... still working on background subtraction as well as a few other things.
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