I also see that a target polarization and density significantly higher.
Pe*Pz is almost at a level of a 40 cm cell which is remarkable
considering that beam polarization, Pe is somewhat smaller after we came
back on. I don't think that validity of Aaron's macro is that bad.
One can also compare absolute asymmetry values from before and after the
shutdown to see a percentage improvement.
Electronic Log Book wrote:
>Operator: ajmasch
>a fairly quiet shift. the HV IOC froze three times; typing "./BOOT" fixed it, though, all three times. WC trips were minimal; R24 tripped about once per hour. CCR had problems reaching 140mA, so they instead opted for 120mA for the shift.
>took a look at the polarized deuterium data since thursday afternoon/evening (right after Michael's e-mail saying that the TDC problem had been fixed). the ep event rate per Coulomb is now about 10 events/C. compare this to "pre-most-recent-shutdown" data, which was giving me an event rate of about 6 events/C. so, it appears that the ep event rate has gone up significantly.
>i also ran my beam-vector dilution macro on this recent data (see attached plot). we have about 7kC of pol deut data since thursday. the macro seems to point toward a fairly decent increase in polarization. from the fixes done to the ABS, was this to be expected??? anyway, the validity of the macro is currently being questionned, so i wouldn't trust these new dilution values too much just yet.
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