[BLAST_ANAWARE] beam-vector dilution dependence on Q2

From: Aaron Joseph Maschinot (ajmasch@MIT.EDU)
Date: Thu Jun 10 2004 - 12:50:06 EDT

at yesterday's meeting, it was mentionned that vitaliy had (a while ago)
reported that the d(e,e'p) beam-vector dilution seemed to have a Q2
dependence. i looked into this a little more, and there does indeed
appear to be such a dependence (see attached plot).

to determine the dilution, i tried two different cuts: 1) all good events
with missing momentum less than 0.1GeV and 2) all good events with missing
momentum less than 0.15GeV. theoretically, the limit at pM = 0 will give
you the dilution (and thus the polarization), but there is very little
model dependence up to 0.15GeV, so the two sets of results should
basically agree.

dilution seems to rise with Q2. way too much. theoretically, the
dilution should be independent of Q2. possibly the variations in the
field along the extended target convoluted with BLAST's non-4-pi
acceptance somehow produces such a Q2 dependence. don't know; gotta think
more about this.


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