Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] Journal Club

From: Chris Crawford (
Date: Tue Jun 08 2004 - 14:06:03 EDT

hi tancredi,
  i'll volunteer for either of the ff-extraction from the proton topics,
or the relativistic ff topic. the first (vanderhagen, arrington) is
most interesting to me.

Tancredi Botto wrote:

>As many of you know, Richard has asked me to organize a weekly Journal
>Club for BLAST students/post-docs. I have attached a list with a range of
>topics relevant to BLAST. Comments and suggestions are of course welcome.
>I'd like to remind you that we will start **tomorrow** with a planning
>meeting/ discussion. If time allows I will initiate a discussion (see
>first listed topic)
>The format I have in mind is that of a presentation by one of us of a
>selected paper followed by an informal discussion. The speaker is expected
>to research the paper until he can explain its contents to satisfaction.
>I do not mind if some of you will prefer to go for a joint presentation,
>or if you prefer to do your own individual literature search.
>The goal here is to discuss active topics in intermediate energy nuclear
>physics in the context of the BLAST program and your ph.d. research.
>If necessary, topics will have to be assigned. Obviously some papers are
>harder or you may be more or less theorethically inclined. I hope by
>tomorrow to fill up most of the upcoming schedule.
>-- tancredi
>Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
>research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949

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