Dear Blasters,
finally we have an agenda. The meeting will start at 9.00 am
sharp and will be in the **conference** room. Please note that
we have scheduled a long break (between 12 and 2 pm) for the
soccer enthusiasts.
Please also note that in the afternoon we plan to have an informal
discussion about form factors, and their relation with charge and
magnetism "distributions", in preparation for larger discussion with
relevant experts this summer.
9.00 CC: blastmc extraction of H2 asymmetries
comparison data/montecarlo (outbend/ inbend ?)
9:30 MK: overview timing calibrations
10:00 EG: recon studies 2004
status and plans of wire-chamber calibration checks
10:30 TA: some thoughts for data reconstruction/calibration
Lunch Break
02:00 --- short contributions
TB: V,T polarizations from 2004 runs
CZ: T20 status, comparison to world data
YX: ee'pi+ analysis plans
BT: Cerenkov x,y efficiency
PK: Update ed-vector
AM: wch alignement/recon study
03:00 Discussion: Nucleon EM form factor and
the charge and magnetism distributions
-- ________________________________________________________________________________ Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124 research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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