Operators: kohlm ---- ----
Taken polarized deuterium runs 7522-7532 (7523 junk), crunching.
Very few tripoffs (Wch L14 and LADS L15_R07T).
Hall was accessed around 1pm for replacing isobutane. Beam was retuned
thereafter and came back with better BQM and Wch rates (BQM_T 90 instead
of 150, Wch 15-20 instead of 25-30).
The normalized second-level trigger rate TSL2A/LDCCT is remaining at 1.7
though, almost like before (1.8). It had been around 1, with 60cm cell and before ABS was pulled.
DH found and removed some cables hanging down near the target chamber
inside the acceptance.
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.2 : Mon Feb 24 2014 - 14:07:31 EST