Hi, just like to share my experience about moving things to buds.
1. only bud24 disc is visible to all other buds. So after I moved all my
stuff to my bud10(on the next day I saw the assignment list), I found I
have to move them again to bud24 because I frequently use one or two
other buds.
2. buds are still slow in IO to data. I met situations when bud10 CPU
usage by lrn is below 5% due to IO limit. so sometimes I d like to use
spuds or dblast. At the beginning of lrn, it processes epics/scaler which
is very IO intense. doing this from buds sometimes cost more than half an
hour just to finish all the epics and scalers. Crunching on physics events
is CPU intense and is not a big problem on buds. It s that long wait at
the beginning that drives me nuts.
Note this year we never had back log on spuds because of blast crunching,
I checked a few times, there are always free spuds. all dblast are
essentailly free all the time. So I hope it is not a crime to use spuds.
3. none of the bud discs are visible to spuds and dblast. So when I want
to use spuds, I realize I have to maintain a copy of at least BlastLib2 on
spud discs.
So there I go, three copies of files on bud24, bud10 and spuds. Is it
still possible to make IO to hard drives faster among buds and spuds so
all discs can be cross mounted without huge performance penalties?
On Thu, 13 May 2004, Tancredi Botto wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to propose to split $ANALDIR and $DATADIR
> currently they point to the same disk (net/data/4) which is not a good
> idea. At this rate by the end of the year we will surely need one full
> spud disk to store crunched data alone. Which means less and less raw
> data on DATADIR... it is a vicious cycle. So I propose the following
> _ Use /net/data/4 for crunched and montecarlo data only
> We should makes organize montecarlo(a) files per event generator such
> as /net/data/4/Analysis/blastmc/eep (ep, epi+..). In this way you do
> need to change $ANALDIR
> _ Use /net/data/5
> with /net/data/6 for the mirror copy. The mirror copy is kept until all
> tape backups are done. When /net/data/5 is full, data is moved and linked
> to the next data disk (currently we use 3)
> In this way $DATADIR should now point to /net/data/5/Daq/data
> _ You are kindly urged to move *ALL* of your data from the spuds to the
> buds.
> **All of the /net/data/?/scratch directories should disappear**
> Again the spuds should really be used primarily for the raw data. All
> students now have 100 Gb of space elsewhere. Also note that we need at
> least one empty disk should we ever need to dump data back on from tape.
> --
> ________________________________________________________________________________
> Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
> research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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