Mechanical group expects to finish extracting ABS from South Hall to
upstairs this afternoon. Hall should be ready to be closed by 6:00.
Target will be left in a state such that we can run with an unpolarized
deuterium target. The RF group will continue transmitter work until 7:00,
so beam will not be available until approximately 8:00.
The plan for tonight is to take unpolarized D2 data at 100 mA. Valve V14
must remain closed, so conductance will be somewhat different, but useful
for false asymmetry checks.
Tomorrow, there will be an access in the morning, but the Hall will not
necessarily open.
-- ********************************************************************** Wilbur A. Franklin * Phone: 617-253-9518 Bates Linear Accelerator Center * FAX: 617-253-9599 P.O. Box 846 * Email: Middleton, MA 01949 * **********************************************************************
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