Attendance: EG, NM, AM, BF, TA, Aki, JC, DH, MK
_ singles
NM: shows plot of empty/gas S/N vs W, normalized by charge
see attached 1st plot. Panel 1: eep, een triggers, panel 2:
singles panel 3: sum (in gold, normalized empty target events
Cumulated ~ 5000 N-delta events in H run so far. In 2nd attachment
the beam helicity asymmetry vs invariant mass (W)
_ Wch resolution:
EG: cell by cell histograms of (x0+x2-2x1) vs x_drift
studying wch resoltion vs cell #, position in the cell
MK: asks if we have run by run calibration due to pressure, humidity.
DH: no big effect seen on t0, k-fac
TB: we would not even see the effect now since we have no
quantitative information on the calibration quality yet
AM: Montecarlo reconstructs poorly (4%). Suspects problem with t2d
relation (used also for real data) or B-field interpolation
Looking into more things.
Problem had been overlooked after introduction of 6th order t2d
Studied sensitivity to mis-alignements in wch but no effect seen
Needs to be redone after mc fixed
_ calibrations:
_ timing calibrations being added to db, see weekly meeting
_ MK: some test recrunching with neutron timing calibration
_ D(e,e'p)
TB: studying syst effects Pz,Pzz (kin corrections,
spin angle). Wants to compare to ZZ thesis
HK: discusses A_ed_T and A_d_V asymmetries, small
and consistent with 0
_ D(e,e'd)
_ no report. CZ, PK will talk on friday
_ ep, D(e,e'pi+)
_ no report
_ cerenkovs
_ no report
-- ________________________________________________________________________________ Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124 research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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