Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] changed location of TSL1A,TSL2A and Normalized scalers

From: Karen Dow (
Date: Wed Apr 14 2004 - 11:22:41 EDT

Tancredi changed scaler_ntuple.C yesterday. It looks at the run number to
decide where TSL1A and TSL2A are in the scaler data, so the move should be


At 02:59 PM 4/12/2004 -0400, Karen Dow wrote:

>To make room for the neutron bar coincidence scalers, moved TSL1A and
>TSL2A to the scaler with the PHYS and DCCT counters. Normalized scalers
>used to be displayed there, now displayed in the next column (BPHYS and
>BDCCT). Changed scaler.label accordingly. Also had to change visual_scal
>to moved where norm. scalers displayed.
>Did NOT change visual_scal_no_et, as I didn't see the source code in
>Also have NOT changed scaler_ntuple.C yet.
> Karen

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