[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 04/08/2004 C (8-12)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Thu Apr 08 2004 - 12:28:19 EDT

Operators: manouch zwart ----

Did not take any beam this past 4 hours due to the wc tripping. Doug Hasel came in for the WC evaluation. The suspicion has been on the WC isobuthane gas bottle changes made the past 2-3 days. Howvere, Doug noticed the water level in the bath bottle was low, he filled the bottle. The water wapor is expected to keep the wires clean.

Also getting new isobuthane tanks from the vendor, if possible from a different batch.

He suggested we keep the beam off for another 4 hours to let the water vapor pressure in the chamber to get to the normasl level.
May turn the beam on around 4 pm.

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