[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 04/04/2004 D (12-16)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sun Apr 04 2004 - 16:49:07 EDT

Operators: karpiusp karpiusp adrian

Took pol D2 in beginning of shift. Then LIGIT started to drop and with EI, GT, and VZ on the phone eventually determined that the nozzle was frozen. Started warminh up the nozzle and running unpol D2 but BQMs were very noisy so let CCR try to optimize slits (as poor BQMs existed with LIGIT still in 5E-8 Torr regime) After about an hour we took the beam back but little improvement was made. We used the next few runs to troubleshoot the offscale TDCs for RTOF3B. After swapping cables and taking various runs the problem eliminated itself (could have been a loose cable??) Also investigated LTOF9BOT - swapped cables at the splitter with adjacent TOFs and concluded that teh TOF itself is fine. The problem is bewteen the splitter and the scalers but is as of yet undetermined. Taking unpol data now still with high BQMs.

As for analysis work I have begun trying to extract a theory curve from DGen using the functions for T10 and T11 to compare against the R10 and R11 asym.

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