Operators: ---- ---- ----
For some reason the previous summary may have been lost. Sorry if you
get this twice:
Quiet operation until 6 am. Data shows a stable target also when using
TOF cuts (on both ee'p, e'd). The equilibrium target temperature is 90 K. See
elog for plots. With this info we can't conclude that there has been a significant
change in ABS intensity.
At 6.00 L14 guard wire trips. Tried many ways to recover. See previous emails/elog entries as well.
_ go to stby/open/off (many times, effectively this allows the guard wire to discharge)
_ put all L14 box HV to 0
_ put guard wire voltage to lower value. (1850 vs 1900)
The L14 guard wire was typically 650 V on stby, and 1950 V at oper, also when
set to 1850 V on oper. Finally L14 did not trip anymore (but why really ?) and
put guard value back to 1900. With a few more oper/stby from the autofill the
guard wire voltage is now close to 1900 V...
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