[BLAST_SHIFTS] Daily organizational meeting

From: Karen Dow (kdow@mit.edu)
Date: Mon Mar 15 2004 - 15:21:20 EST

        Beam position/angle at Compton has been improved; signal is back to where
it should be. Operators working on position/angle at the target, and
slits/scraper positions, to get back to good running conditions. Plan for
overnight is to continue running deuterium. WC box L14 is tripping some,
hope to keep it at 3800V or above.

        The South Hall will be open tomorrow at 8am (beam goes off at 7am) for the

1) Fill the superconducting solenoids
2) Warm up the ABS nozzle
3) Replace a bad wire in the left sector (in box L14) -- Aaron
4) Investigate noise/reflections in LADS phototube signals -- Michael

Expect that the hall can be closed around 2pm.

        As noted over the weekend, there are inconsistencies in the asymmetries as
measured by tensor d(e,e'p) and tensor d(e,e'd) in the two BLAST
sectors. The vector asymmetry is consistent between the two sectors. One
way to make the situation clearer is to run with longitudinal holding
field. We will start that Wednesday morning. Genya will tune the ABS
transitions for transverse h.f.=0 and the operators will tune the beam.

        Ricardo has checked one of Genya's tensor asymmetry points and it looks
fine. Is there already a Monte Carlo prediction of the d(e,e'd) tensor


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