[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 03/05/2004 E (16-20)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sat Mar 06 2004 - 00:16:28 EST

Operators: hasell ---- ----

Discovered that WC very noisy for runs 5367-5379 corresponding to the period after the south hall was opened for DOE visit .

Accessed the south hall and found the lights on. Turned them off and let WC rest for 1 hour.

Run 5380 looks okay. Also Townsend's scalers are reasonable and flat with time.

Set all WC's HV to 3850 except L14 which is at 3800. Seem to hold okay.

HV crates had to be power cycled three times.

CODA hung once.

Otherwise smooth running after the lights went out. 25% deadtime at 70 mA.

Runs up to 5384 crunched or crunching.

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