Operators: hasell redwine shino
Previous shift noticed that the left sub-detector was not fully closed (short approximately 3 mm) and that the WC was hitting the coil. Had a controlled access to investigate. Top, inner, up-stream corner of the left WC is touching the coil strap. Could move the strap with my finger so don't think it is exerting too much pressure on the chamber. Also could crank it in further but decided not to force it as the coil may still move when energised. Will discuss what to do on Monday.
WC was tripping fairly regularly. Eventually had to lower L14 to 3750. Other bad channels L15, L21, and R24 at 3800.
CODA hung once
Broken pipe in HV crate 2 fixed by rebooting IOC only (ie did not power cycle).
Around 02:00 noticed that LIGIT pressure was steadily decreasing. Eventually concluded that the problem was with the ABS. Tried to phone Genya, Hauke, and eventually got Vitaly. After trying a few things decided the nozzle was frozen. Turned ABS off and had a controlled access to turn of the nozzle cold head.
Switched on unpolarised D2 system and tried to set it up with the buffer system. Need instructions how to do this.
CCR had some problems with the phase in the accelerator which they eventually solved. BQM's very good 120, 20, 30, 30 for T, R, B, L
Shinozaki came in and set up the unpolarised D target with the buffer system properly. Taking data again.
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