[BLAST_ANAWARE] Signs of vector polarization in deuterium

From: vitaliy ziskin (vziskin@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 19 2004 - 12:17:18 EST

I see a sing of a vector polarization in deuterium:

left: 0.45 +/- 0.1152
right : 0.30 +/- 0.07

More statisctics and better cuts are needed for higher q^2 points. But
it's looking up. For those who want to verify this, run
root -l show_deep_asym.C 4873-4878 4880-4880 in macro/Deuterium directory.
Tensor asymmetry from d(e,e'p)n is so far consistent with 0.0 and 1.0,
meaning that we need a hell of a lot more statistics.

                                                       Cheers, Vitaliy

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