[BLAST_SHIFTS] Wire.Cal changed

From: Chi Zhang (zhangchi@MIT.EDU)
Date: Sun Feb 15 2004 - 19:59:03 EST

Hi all,

I checked the resolution of lately crunched inbending field runs.
resolutions are worsened(60MeV for inbending). I have therefore changed
the Wire.Cal used by blast account. I replaced all the k-factors with 1.
The file used for outbending runs is copied to Wire.Cal_outbending.

When enough runs are crunched with the current dummy k-factor, a new
calibration will be made. probably sometime tomorrow and I will send a
note after I update Wire.Cal again. then runs 4745-4754 should
definitely be recrunched, maybe also the runs crunched with dummy
k-factors as well.


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