[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 02/08/2004 B (4-8)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Mon Feb 09 2004 - 08:00:26 EST

Operators: ajmasch ---- ----

at one point, blastROCr hung and refused to unhang. even hard reboots wouldn't fix the problem. the problem was that the +15V power supply wasn't working. another (temporary) power supply was added to compensate. the ROC then worked fine, and data taking started back up again. thus, the ROC now has two 15V power supplies sitting on top it.

all in all, data taking was mostly smooth. WC box R24 tripped occasionally (the tripping frequency dropped, though, as the night went on). runs 4585 - 4588 were taken, each with 100k events.

the hall is opening now, i believe.

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