[BLAST_ANAWARE] New session pro2004 and new configurations

From: Karen Dow (kdow@mit.edu)
Date: Tue Jan 20 2004 - 14:04:39 EST

        I have made a new CODA session, pro2004, as well as new configurations to
go with it. The associated readout lists and scripts are in subdirectories
of /home/daq/blast/pro2004/coda

        The new configurations are:

l2trig: like the old physl2t. Trigger Supervisor in Common Strobe mode
(TOF MT for timing). Second level trigger (at least one hit in each of 3
wire chambers). Will sparsify ADC readout once we load in the non-zero
readout thresholds.

l1trig: like the old physrun. TS in CS mode. First level trigger
(phototubes only).

nonstrobe: like the old flashrun. TS in non-strobed mode, so trigger
timing given by MLU output. No wire chambers read out.

zerothr: like the old pedrun. TS in CS mode. Second level trigger. All
ADC thresholds at 0 to monitor thresholds.

For all new configurations, first 8 trigger inputs to TS are
enabled. (flashrun used to only use the first 4 trigger inputs.)

        I haven't tested any of this yet, as I don't want to interfere with
neutron detector testing. But I wanted to let people know, since the new
configurations will appear in the RunControl Configure pop-up list. Until
I test, please continue to run out of /home/daq/blast/pro2003/coda, use the
pro2003 session and the old configurations (physrun, physl2t, flashrun and

        When we switch to pro2004, data will go to
/scratch/dblast07/blast/data/pro2004/pro2004-%d.dat and the run numbers
will start at some round number after the last pro2003 #.


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