Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] Remaining tasks in sofrware

From: vitaliy ziskin (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2004 - 22:55:52 EST

Chi, great job compiling this list. Here are my replies and additions:

zhangchi wrote:

>I d like to put forward a list of remaining tasks in software. I want to
>do so because a lot of them require interaction between us earthy
>programmers and people in verious groups of the experment. Please take a
>look and give your suggestion for solutions and/or make additions to the
>1. blast.sc_cal: I am personally very excited about the calibration Pete
>put out. In the mean time, i have the following questions:
> adc pedestals: Adrian knows them by heart but unfortunately, they are
> not written into blast.sc_cal. It is partly because, I guess, Pete
> generates tdc offsets by program which does not know about
> pedestals.
> other parameters in blast.sc_cal: speed of light in scintillator,
> tdc/adc scales. Do we have any interest in calibrate those? seems
> we can well get away with the current dummy values. Also, though
> we do need the 50ps/channel conversion for tdc, do we really need
> the 50fC/channel conversion for adc?
        We need to make sure that both speed of light and the scales for
tdcs are the same in BlastLib and blastmc since this is the way
neutron's energy is reconstructed/constructed

>2. interface to NC/LADS calibration: soon NC/LADS tdc/adc will be
>calibrated, and we need an interface to feed them into the library.
>extending blast.sc_cal seems to be a valid option but we do need to see
>what Pete have to say since it is his little baby.
       What's more important is the relative timing between TOFs and
NC/LADS to get a proper neutron time of flight. Relying on "fast gamma"
in opinion is a loosing cause.

>3. LADS recon. I told Vitaliy I was gonna try to look into it during the
>holiday but I lied, or I did not have a chance. I guess I am still suppose
>to do it. basically, charged particles punch TOF and get into LADS will
>generate hits and these hits could be geometrically identified as
>generated by the charged particle. The LADS hits left will be candidates
>for Neutrons but one need to be care for do not create two neutron tracks
>when only on neutrons hit both NC and LADS.
    Where is the holliday spirit. Can you add putting LADS into nsed.
The geometry file is ready so I think that it should be easy to do.
How about this definition for a neutron :
(!TOF) && (LADS || NC). I think that is as simple as that. Only one
question: have we comletely given up on all three particles detected in
BLAST acceptance.

>9. (a little off the line) radiative correction in generators.
    I started looking at that. I read Plaster's theses and there they
simply did an elastic N(e,e'N) reaction radiative correction, based on
POLRAD, that Chris knows a lot about. The question is whether this
would be sufficient for our quasielastic reaction, since in our low q^2
kinematics we hardly have quasielastic reaction. Secondly, I wonder how
large this correction would be in first place. Plaster quotes something
like: ~1.9%, ~3.7%, ~4.4% difference in polarization measurements for
Q^2 = 0.447, 1.132, 1.450 . Shouldn't it be even lower at our Q^2s?

Cheers, Vitaliy

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