[BLAST_ANAWARE] dst/crunch update II: new features in init.C

From: zhangchi (zhangchi@general.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sat Jan 03 2004 - 15:48:49 EST

Hi, this is the second part of the dst.readme file. unfortunately some of
the root output I copied from terminal are too long to be nicely shown

guess the best way to try it out is to see it yourself. update you
exp/commis/phase2/utils/ directory( you may have to copy cuts.C, strings.C
from blast account since I can not make the copies I got from CVS work).
then set your ANALDIR to /net/data/4/Analysis/pro2003/dstest/
run the few commands listed here and see the results.

2. new features to init.C

 init.C is updates to do the following things:
 1) look for chg ntuple and chain them together. sum the various
    entris into the TMatrix charge. charge TMatrix is made into size
    of (2,5) where the two rows are for helicity + and -, while the 5
    columns are:
                0 1 2 3 4
    H2 case: taget spin +, target spin -, sum of all, N/A, N/A
    D2 case: vector +, vector -, sum of all, Vec0, Ten+, Ten-

    if there is no chg ntuple in the run, init.C will fall back to charge
    files. thus compatible with old library. and it is possible to mix
    files crunched with new and old libraries.

 2) new cuts on run parameters. one can not cut on run info. the few
    cuts implemented so far are:

    tgt=empty/unpol/UNPOL/Unpol/abs/ABS // for target type
    gas=H/D // for gas type
    ps=1/-1, inbend/INBEND/outbend/OUTBEND // for blast field polarity
    spangle=0/1/-1 // for spin angle direction see remarks below
    flip=1/0, flipon/flip/flipoff // for spin flipper
    closed/open // chose runs compeletly crunched

      root lr.C 3800-4300 tgt=abs flipon inbend closed -d
         3800-4300 tgt=unpol flipoff outbend
    will make two chains, one with all runs in 3800-4300 with ABS,
    spin flipper on, inbending field, the other with all unpol runs in
    3800-4300 where spin flipper is off and field is outbending.
    the runs selected will all be "closed", that is the crunching on
    the run is finished.

    a few remarks:
    by default, all the cuts are in "indifferent" state. if one does
     not specify these cuts, they are simply not checked against
    tgt, gas, ps, spinangle, flip are per data set cuts. that is if
     one choose to make two or more data sets by the "-d" option of
     init.C, each data set can have different set of cuts
    closed cut is per invocation. that is if one say "closed" once,
     the cut will be applied to all the data sets
    spangle cut is not literal, spangle=0 will pass all runs with spin
    angle with +-15 deg. +1/-1 will pass all runs with spin angle

 3) lr_helper.C
  lr/flr/flrpm.C will load this lr_helper.C which contains a few short
  funcitons one can use to "browse" the runs and fills, hope this would
  save people a few trip to the e/paper log book

  root lr.C 3700-4300 closed
* Row * runno * targ * gas * spinth * flip *
blastpol * fntrig * fnev * flow * ligit * cellt *
livetime *
* 0 * 3787 * 1 * 1 * 46.234371 * 0 *
-1 * 212392 * 14748 * 59.361370 * 6.410e-08 * 83.025825 * 0.8148747
* 2 * 3791 * 1 * 1 * 46.234409 * 0 *
-1 * 219136 * 19876 * 59.364494 * 5.902e-08 * 82.942359 * 0.6826490
* 7 * 3792 * 1 * 1 * 46.243881 * 0 *
-1 * 239889 * 21642 * 59.364788 * 5.79e-08 * 83.128753 * 0.7515541
* 13 * 3793 * 1 * 1 * 46.257953 * 0 *
-1 * 241761 * 21931 * 59.363990 * 5.63e-08 * 83.057746 * 0.6851801
... ...
* Row * fillno * runno * targ * gas * spinth *
flip * blastpol * flow * ligit * cellt * livetime *
* 1 * 6408 * 3787 * 1 * 1 * 46.234371 *
0 * -1 * 59.361370 * 6.410e-08 * 83.025825 * 0.8148747 *
* 3 * 6415 * 3791 * 1 * 1 * 46.233997 *
0 * -1 * 59.363952 * 5.922e-08 * 83.093269 * 0.6618808 *
* 4 * 6416 * 3791 * 1 * 1 * 46.234500 *
0 * -1 * 59.363655 * 5.912e-08 * 82.974998 * 0.6699826 *
* 5 * 6417 * 3791 * 1 * 1 * 46.234516 *
0 * -1 * 59.364456 * 5.901e-08 * 82.952514 * 0.6736711 *
* 6 * 6418 * 3791 * 1 * 1 * 46.234409 *
0 * -1 * 59.364494 * 5.902e-08 * 82.942359 * 0.6826490 *
* 8 * 6420 * 3792 * 1 * 1 * 46.247169 *
0 * -1 * 59.363739 * 5.810e-08 * 83.451133 * 0.6717603 *
... ...
* Row * runno * bgpp * bgpm * bgmp * bgmm *
bgp0 * bgm0 * bgrt1 * rt1 * wcrt1 * tkrt1 *
* 0 * 3787 * 3.5262639 * 0 * 21.948606 * 0 *
3.5262639 * 21.948606 * 2033 * 1857 * 305 * 230 *
* 2 * 3791 * 37.926555 * 0 * 34.820671 * 0 *
37.926555 * 34.820671 * 2071 * 1890 * 305 * 231 *
* 7 * 3792 * 53.285686 * 0 * 29.098970 * 0 *
53.285686 * 29.098970 * 1995 * 1825 * 296 * 221 *
* 13 * 3793 * 40.785884 * 0 * 41.400257 * 0 *
40.785884 * 41.400257 * 2021 * 1846 * 297 * 223 *
... ...
* Row * fillno * bgpp * bgpm * bgmp * bgmm *
bgp0 * bgm0 * bgrt1 * rt1 * wcrt1 * tkrt1 *
* 1 * 6408 * 3.5262639 * 0 * 21.948606 * 0 *
3.5262639 * 21.948606 * 2033 * 1857 * 305 * 230 *
* 3 * 6415 * 17.138851 * 0 * 11.170704 * 0 *
17.138851 * 11.170704 * 2087 * 1901 * 304 * 227 *
* 4 * 6416 * 0.1476879 * 0 * 20.424057 * 0 *
0.1476879 * 20.424057 * 2050 * 1879 * 304 * 232 *
* 5 * 6417 * 20.640016 * 0 * 0.0374984 * 0 *
20.640016 * 0.0374984 * 2017 * 1834 * 302 * 230 *
* 6 * 6418 * 0 * 0 * 3.1884117 * 0 *
0 * 3.1884117 * 2418 * 2216 * 331 * 247 *
* 8 * 6420 * 12.812469 * 0 * 20.889713 * 0 *
12.812469 * 20.889713 * 1922 * 1758 * 288 * 216 *
... ...
* Row * runno * bgp0 * bgm0 * bgrt1 * rt1 *
wcrt1 * tkrt1 * bqmt * bqml * bqmb * bqmr *
* 0 * 3787 * 3.5262639 * 21.948606 * 2033 * 1857 *
305 * 230 * 219397 * 52932 * 57087 * 33678 *
* 2 * 3791 * 37.926555 * 34.820671 * 2071 * 1890 *
305 * 231 * 123775 * 30917 * 34370 * 19756 *
* 7 * 3792 * 53.285686 * 29.098970 * 1995 * 1825 *
296 * 221 * 145798 * 36913 * 40873 * 23379 *
* 13 * 3793 * 40.785884 * 41.400257 * 2021 * 1846 *
297 * 223 * 118432 * 29695 * 33309 * 19041 *
* 18 * 3796 * 40.768566 * 40.342891 * 2037 * 1861 *
287 * 213 * 123563 * 29322 * 32730 * 18884 *
* 23 * 3797 * 38.908264 * 43.453376 * 2006 * 1834 *
287 * 214 * 128754 * 31157 * 34609 * 20364 *
... ...
* Row * fillno * bgp0 * bgm0 * bgrt1 * rt1 *
wcrt1 * tkrt1 * bqmt * bqml * bqmb * bqmr *
* 1 * 6408 * 3.5262639 * 21.948606 * 2033 * 1857 *
305 * 230 * 219397 * 52932 * 57087 * 33678 *
* 3 * 6415 * 17.138851 * 11.170704 * 2087 * 1901 *
304 * 227 * 130272 * 31710 * 34808 * 20687 *
* 4 * 6416 * 0.1476879 * 20.424057 * 2050 * 1879 *
304 * 232 * 118262 * 30682 * 34217 * 19127 *
* 5 * 6417 * 20.640016 * 0.0374984 * 2017 * 1834 *
302 * 230 * 118873 * 30051 * 33648 * 19118 *
* 6 * 6418 * 0 * 3.1884117 * 2418 * 2216 *
331 * 247 * 133449 * 31005 * 36152 * 19679 *
... ...

 if there are multiple data sets, simple give those functions a
 argument: run_info(1) will pull the info on data set 1. read
 lr_helper.C in commis/phase2/utils

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